

Dance connects us— to ourselves and to each other.

No steps to learn, no right way to move. 5Rhythms dance is, at heart, a moving meditation. 

5Rhythms Waves

Wednesday 6:30-8:30

Clara Auditorium 1425 24th Street

$20 More information

  • 5Rhythms practice that guides you in embodied exploration of presence – gently, directly. Experience body parts, walking meditation, the physical practice of the rhythms while exploring relationship to self, other and group. Our receptivity to coaching (as well as our resistance) expands us into a broader movement vocabulary. A wide variety of music starts slowly, picks up to peak, then glides down to stillness.

Sweat Your Prayers

Clara Auditorium 1425 24th Street

$20 More information

Sunday 10:00-Noon

  • Sunday morning….dance church some say. A practice supported by two waves of awesome music. Facilitator sets a communal intention/focus for the guided meditation. Most sessions at Clara Auditorium 24th & N Street. Occasional Sundays moving in outdoor space by American River. Schedule HERE. Be added to the Saturday email to receive up-to-date information: majicasonrisa@gmail.com


Dec 31, 2024-Jan 1, 2025
New Years Eve at Clara

with Bella & Majica


Clara Auditorium 1425 24th Street
$40 INFO

  • Calling you in for a sober dance event on NYE. Music, ritual, community in support of laying 2024 to rest and opening to the possibility of 2025. Let’s dance into this transition together: a celebratory evening with conscious movers, shaking it off and making room for the mystery.

    $40 for your ticket. No refunds. Space is limited. 

Have a question about 5Rhythms or want to talk before your first class? Let’s connect.

Meet the Teachers

Bella Dreizler

Bella was 5Rhythms certified by the late Gabrielle Roth, founder of 5Rhythms  in 2008. She has been gathering and tending this Sacramento community ever since.

Majica Alba

Majica is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified 5Rhythms Teacher immersed in art, music and dance which she uses as therapeutic vehicles.  majicaalba.com

Bella and Majica have been collaborating since 2018.

Personal Coaching with Bella

When I first began practicing twenty years ago I was lucky to have a one-on-one sessions with my primary teacher.  Being witnessed and personally guided was so impactful.  Now I offer this unique service.  People come for many reasons.  Some have not come to class, just want a sense of what it is like.  Some feel stuck in their practice.  Some are curious how feedback might move their practice.  Each session is shaped in the moment by who it is, what is needed, what arises.  The music, chosen on the spot, always weaves it together. Intrigued? You are so welcome.  I adore this work.

One hour/ $100

Call me or email to book.

New to 5Rhythms?

Some helpful guidelines:

  • Practice in silence.

  • Cell phones off.

  • Pace yourself, rest as needed.

  • Stay hydrated.

  • Honor any limitations or injuries you have.

  • Go barefoot or wear soft-soled shoes.

  • Keep eyes open and be aware of those around you.

  • Touch with consent only.

  • Come on time, stay for the full practice.

These are the Five Rhythms


We let the dance in, feet upon earth, body weight fluid and gliding, receptive, tuning in, simply being.


We let the dance out, feel the life force pulsing through, percussive hips & fiery hearts, clear passionate expression.


We let the dance go, release to the unknown, surrender to the unpredictable, heads loose, letting go of our tight hold.


We let the dance happen, lighten up, aligned body, heart, mind, expanding into the big whatever.


We let the dance be, rise and fall with the breath in a unified field, empty so that spirit is welcome to move through us.

a conversation with Bella….

Dance connects us— to ourselves and to each other

All you need to bring is your breathing body, your curiosity/willingness and a water bottle. Because this is a come-as-you-are party.  That means all of it is welcome here: your achey hips, your defended heart, your cluttered mind, your longing soul, your lagging spirit.

When we begin to engage in this moving meditation, all of the above begins to shift and change.  We pause from the demands of the outside world, fill our empty cups and listen deeply to what these intelligent bodies have to say. Mysterious, transformative, magical.

Sacramento 5Rhythms on Social Media

Learn more about 5Rhythms, meet the community, and follow for updates