Expert Hands On Care


Physical challenges - hips, knees, feet, back, neck, shoulders - are the norm. Instead of pushing through pain (which never works!) tend your ever-aging body with effective, nurturing self-care.

Personal Treatment Plans

Your Body Challenges

Come with your specific issues, long-standing or new. Together we explore how they feel and affect your life. This accurate history guides us to the treatment table to assess joint, muscle and nerve tissue, posture and physical alignment.

Wholistic Treatment Session with Bella

First appointment is 1-2 hours, depending on symptom complexity.  Serving you takes time: history & physical assessment, hands on treatment & education. Longer appointments needed when an issue is chronic or recurring, involves multiple body regions, surgical complications and/or symptoms that radiate into extremities. 60-75 minutes is usually sufficient for virtual visits.

Personalized Self Care

Together, we develop an individualized self-care program and then video film for home support; phone contact day after initial session to check in. You are worth it!

Follow Up Visits and Check-Ins

We all benefit from support. Once initial treatment is complete, there are options for ongoing physical therapy, one-on-one personal training and Friday morning Release and Realign.

Optional: Cannabis Supported Follow Up Visit

A low dose of cannabis combined with expertly guided physical therapy may heighten and optimize your healing experience. Read more about Cannabis Medicine.

Let’s talk about it. Schedule a call with Bella to see if a private session is a good fit.

Physical Therapy FAQ

  • A single visit may suffice.  Follow up visits are briefer than first, may be scheduled as needed. Time and again I see this: people thrive with follow up spread over time for encouragement, fine-tuning and progression.  This can be provided in many ways. At the end of your first visit, we can discuss if this type of support is for you.

  • Initial and follow up visits:

    $180 per hour ($3.00/minute) by cash/check/Venmo

    After first visit, we discuss the possibility of support: options for additional visits spread over time.

    A bit of guidance, please!

    initial visit charge + $300 for two in person follow up sessions.

    Give me a year!

    After first 3 visits, 6 pre-paid sessions:  ongoing support and progression to complete your transformational year. $900

    Personal training!

    $100 for one hour in studio workouts...let's do it together.

  • I do not bill insurance, though I can generate a code-less receipt that patients submit for HSA plans.

  • Bring your curiosity and willingness! For on-line session you need a foam roller and two tennis balls taped together. This link to therapy tool information.

Bella’s Physical Therapy Expertise

Board-certified since 1972

Body curious since childhood

Bella has provided hands-on care to patients for 50 + years. Her practice goes beyond the bounds of traditional Western medicine. There is way more to physical health than the physical.

“We are dynamic individuals with feelings, thoughts, and unique histories.  And each and every one of us has a healer within waiting for a dose of encouragement and expert guidance. If you have 20 minutes to move on your mat, this healing presence will not only come alive in you, you’ll have feel-good joy in the process. Come feel.”

51 years practicing physical therapy with oodles of hours of continuing education focusing on orthopedic manual therapy. In addition, Bella received her 200 hour yoga certification in 2013, 50 hour yin yoga certification in 2011, and 100 hour kundalini yoga teacher training in 2006.

What Patients Say

Bella’s knowledge of the human body is clear and deep. She listened to me, she looked, explained what she saw, showed me diagrams, offered metaphors—all before touching me. She never made assumptions about what was happening in my body, but enlisted my absolute curiosity to look and feel WITH her. And then we both received confirmation through her touch and simple exercises.

Bella is a brilliant educator. I am inspired now to cultivate a relationship with my psoas muscle! I just needed the guidance of some patient and skilled hands. At the close, she recorded a personal rehab prescription video that I will study and practice with for months. One session with her has opened many windows into my own body. I am tremendously grateful.


When I began working with Bella over a year ago, I could not fathom how much I would improve. I can do things with my body now that felt impossible. I never imagined I could dance barefoot without foot pain, but now I can. At 48, I am stronger and more coordinated than I have been the past decade. Bella has redefined physical therapy for me, which used to be a series of disjointed exercises focused on one part of the body. PT with Bella means having an expert guide help you build a partnership with your body as you go on an adventure in changing your relationship with your entire body.   


After only 3 sessions with Bella (and plenty of practice at home) I am amazed at my progress. After a significant back injury my rehabilitation has required a slow gentle approach with significant modifications.

Working gently with the roller has given me tremendous relief. It is an extremely effective tool to relieve pain and bring me back into balance. The act of rolling itself has created strength, tone, and agility in my body that I didn’t have when I started. The subtle work with psoas has been a HUGE game changer, giving me a relationship to my core I have never had, although I studied various movement modalities, studied and taught yoga, and been a lifelong dancer.

This work is a revolution for my body/mind! For the first time since my injury, I have hope about the prospect of being able to dance again, and perhaps better than ever. That is thrilling!
