August Musings
This is a month dedicated to stopping. I have been very quiet, mostly at home or camping. It is not my usual state of being. And it feels good. Feels right. Feels needed. And this emerged today:
August Musings
Feeling so emptied.
My natural inclination to be generative,
on hold.
A holy suspension in the 1000 things
that relentlessly download from the cosmos.
A halt in the impulses that meet personal story
and particular circumstance
and the randomness of life unfolding
and then fuel my penchant for procreation.
And here in this pause,
I touch the me that is other than that.
When I stop---
stop reading, stop teaching, stop treating,
stop practicing, stop doing,
well, even stop writing---
a distinct listening finds traction.
Busyness is a slippery slope
where stillness finds no footing.
Zero-agenda can stretch languid,
intention an outcast intruder,
Harken! It is the bass tone of being.
It is the omniscient hum of empty.
Even as it vibrates sweet alto song,
empty lurks in boredom’s bleak shadow.
With spaciousness claiming front and center,
I float proposals, then turn away.
I dig down for desire, then play dead.
I seek meaning, then lay breathing.
And finally I just surrender to empty.
Concede that this lingering suchness
is not only enough, but plenty.
Wishing you some precious moments of empty.......❤️Bella