Taking flight

Have you been watching the nesting eagles in So Cal?  Mesmerizing, they inhabit my kitchen, creatures prompting me about the essential.  Being.  Taking care. Tending. Breathing.  Resting.  Taking nourishment.  Flight.  On Sunday, on the dance floor, the eagles began to inhabit my very being.  My upper limbs grew into rib cage anchored wings, feathering out to my fingertips.  So possessed with flight that a myriad dots connected in a flash.  This upcoming workshop Wingspan, my eagle obsession, my nagging right shoulder, my draw to Rumi:

Your deepest presence
is in every small contracting
and expanding,
the two as beautifully balanced
and coordinated as bird wings.

I played with a palms up open sensation vs. the closure feeling with palms down.  You can feel that right here.  Extend your wings, palms down to the ground.  Feel.  Breathe.  Now turn palms up to the sky.  Feel.  Breathe.  With upward palms can you feel shoulder blades glom on to back ribs, deep core juicy-engaged, heart lifted?  Anyway, just one thing we’ll play with in Wingspan Saturday afternoon March 16.  You’ll land back in your home nest with simple ways to keep your wings healthy—they are under so much strain these days.  More info HERE.

In my body, Wingspan totally connects to Freedom. Surely those eagles are never trapped on the hamster wheel of too much or too little energy.  Their 24/7 nervous system, just like ours, has incredible capacity to keep us in balance. Nervous systems that turn us on, put us in action, mobilize our forces AND hit the dimmer switch, give us the chill pill, invite us to rest and digest. And I’m excited to be up in Grass Valley this Sunday Feb 25 creating a movement score for us to feel this in our animal bodies.  How we move through being stuck in the energy of too much or too little.  And, like those eagles, how we can instinctually shift to active engagement with life, alert and ready to go with whatever arises. Connected…to our deeper being, to each other, to our world.  Please join me from 1:00-4:00.  And maybe come for Sweat Your Prayers as well, 10:00-noon. More info HERE.

Gabrielle Roth was a silver-tongued mistress, loved to craft the 5Rhythms into word maps. We have danced many! I was innocently snuggled under morning covers when this one popped into my head from somewhere out of dreamland.  I’ll be offering this map at Wednesday Waves 6:30 tonight.  I’m sure the eagles will be under my wings!

Something is happening for me in Friday morning’s Release & Realign.  You know how some yoga is offered as a flow class?  I’m developing ninety-minute flows.  I don’t know how this emerged but trust my instinct.  Taking yet another lesson from the eagles, who I bet never second guess anything. I have three sequential flows now, 60-70 minutes where we just move through the releases, core power, stretching.  Leaving space at the end for different explorations in weight bearing and, of course, shivasana.  Teaching this Friday with one of these flows.  We have extra rollers and balls for you to trial if you are new. More info HERE.

Stay tuned.  There is more on the horizon.  But these eagles, they just took me on this flight of fancy this morning.  And for that I am grateful. Let’s spread our wings together somewhere soon.



BIG FEELINGS are definitely dangerous


motion in my body=movement in my heart