vision is everything...5-6-21

That first pair arrived as harbingers of middle age.  Cheap readers from the drugstore.  Every year or two the numbers rose: 1.0, 2.25, 3.5…you get the picture.  Maybe you’re living it.  In no time the number could not go high enough, my arms were just not long enough, the lighting was just never strong enough.  When I caved, I found my distance vision wasn’t so hot either.  By the time I was fifty, it was full time bifocal-ville…trifocals before too long.

This is to say that I can’t even remember what it’s like to clearly see the outside world without peering through a lens.  And what a world it is!  When I first received that distance prescription I could not believe what I had been missing.  The clear edge of a blade of grass.  The distinction of individual leaves on trees.  The infinite shades of green out there.  It was mind blowing.

But those prescription numbers just kept advancing as predictably as the arrival of each birthday.  My final distance prescription was the strongest available.  In this last year I could not (safely) drive at night.  Or (at all) into the glare of the sun.  And still the world looked like an impressionist painting…all soft around the edges.  Discernible, just not definite.   Actually quite beautiful in its own way.  There is strong evidence both Degas and Monet suffered from cataracts.  Which is exactly what I learned was going on in my peepers.

It came as a shock to learn that the average human lens operates fairly well only maybe 65 years.  And then not so much.  Opthamologist said I was lucky to be granted extra time.  Who knew?  It took a few months to let this information in and surrender. But I am here to sing some praises (once again) to modern medicine.  Oh my gosh.  With only one eye complete (next one soon) all those discrete borders, vibrancy of color we take for granted, all the beauty available out in the world without a blocking barrier... well, it’s gonna take some getting used to.  I’m willing!

Has it affected my ability to work?  Hah!  Only that I can now dance and actually see who is with me.  Or be on my mat and not worry about crashing into my glasses when I plop face down.  Or see you in treatment without a thing between us.  Still need them to read, but apparently those drugstore readers will suffice again. If that's not a miracle, well what is?

Let’s take a moment to focus (bad pun) on what's upcoming that might just suit you:

Unbound: moving from lockdown to freedom is this Saturday 11:00-2:00.  Yes, still on Zoom.  How else could I possibly teach with one of my favorite dancers on the planet, Erik Iversen from Montreal.  Take a look at Erik’s bio and you’ll know why I love to move with him.  We’re holding this space together from east and west coast for you to totally embody what it means to break out.  Rolling & dancing, of course.  You just need your curiosity, roller, pen and paper, and willingness.  Check it out.

Launching LIVE LIMITED COMMITED #2  Wednesday Waves at Clara May 19-June 30 6:30-8:30.  Pretty amazing to move in the flesh together and uber-surprising how quickly masks, fans and open doors fade away in the glory of real time contact.  And Sunday Sweat Your Prayers does not miss a beat.  Mother’s Day this Sunday---bring your kids LIVE or on Zoom.

Essentials every Thursday/Friday 10:00-11:30 in May.  Choose your day, lay out your mat, roller, tennis balls, blocks, blanket.  90 minutes to release fascial binds, access/tone deep subtle core, stretch out needy tight spots, bring it home in asana. Until May 7 pre-enroll in all 4 sessions: commit and save.  Drop in always possible; recordings always available; music always stellar.

Essential Recharge LIVE again 11:30-1:30 Saturday May 22 at Clara.  For the vaccinated, pre-enrollment required.  To be with you in the flesh last month...sigh.  A good landing zone if you're new to practice, great support for cyber-practitioners.  This month I'll bring the infamous pokey balls so we can get a bit deeper into shoulder and hip releases.

Consider launching your mat practice. Building on the linear discipline of the mat to experience the free form joy of dancing through space.  Really.  We start with release, move into dance and end with stretch/shivasana.  Ninety minutes of joy.  Dance Essentials is May 15.

Alrighty then…wishing clear vision for us all….bella

P.S.  Intrigued with the physical experience of moving from lockdown to freedom? We've been steadily expanding and refining this zone in Essentials...take a taste with this video.



long life to you my friend...5-11-21


a weight off your shoulders...4-24-21