those magic balls

I was only a tender 25 y/o when a sudden fateful move sent a searing stab through my left neck.  After three days this incident became an unpleasant memory.  But these  precipitating events tend to return with a vengeance.  Each time a bit sooner, lasting a bit longer, coming with alarming upticking severity. A relentless predator.  I was a mess of trouble with left arm pain and numbness and tingling.  A decade into this plight, a dozen years in to the practice of physical therapy, I began to truly zero in on orthopedics as a specialty.  A curiosity-fueled quest.  I had already tried many things and been treated unsuccessfully by a handful of practitioners, when I connected at last with a physical therapist who got it: unlocking the shoulder blade area was the first step in making positive change. 
It was Michael Moore who introduced me to the double tennis balls.  I’ll never forget that day. I’m quite the stalwart but was weeping with the sensational agony of this tennis ball torture.  I looked at him and said, “Do I really have to do this?”  To which he replied, “Did you really want to get better?”  I bit the bullet; within the week I was on the definite mend.  The worst was over but it took another decade to slowly unwind.   It is an orthopedic maxim: the time it takes before you start effective care is generally the time it takes to unravel.  Especially when the nervous system becomes entangled. 
Mind you, in 1984, it was still six years before I began using foam rollers. Today, I would never use double tennis balls as initial intervention with an ailing patient at the level of dysfunction I was experiencing.  Gentle is so key!  But---and this is a BIG but---if you are used to foam rolling and you want to go deeper, this prop has your name on it. 

Three synchronous happenings have me currently inspired to share this little life saver.  First, they were all I had for 2 weeks in NYC and an extended road trip.  Saved my ass.  Second, I was home just three days and while assisting on Wilbur yoga deck, was given one hour to expose 34 total newbies to tennis ball rolling joy.  The reception was incredible: 75% of participants, all experienced yogis, had never used a self-release prop.  They took to it like fish to water, groans of delight and gratitude. I came home with none left in my bag.  Third, right after this I play/worked with cellists and violinists at CSUS teaching them how to release the wingspan from fingers to mid-back with the magic balls. Again, I came home with none.
One of my favorite places to practice is out in the wilds of camping.  This short video from Pinnacles National Monument is a quick run through of all the possibilities.  

I’ve come a long way since 1984 when I learned to release my mid-thoracic spine.  Everything else you see on this video was developed in the ensuing years of feeling tight areas on your body and mine and dreaming up ways to self-release. There are so many ways to learn how to use these magic tools.  Select techniques are always part of physical therapy one-on-one treatment and Release & Realign classes.  I’ll be incorporating them on the deck at Wilbur again June 1 & 2. 

And whether you identify as a dancer or not, you will learn so much and have fun while you're at it in Tending Your Dancing Body July 6 & 7. This playshop combines 5Rhythms dance and effective, nurturing self-care.  I’ve taught this umpteen times in umpteen places but this time is different because it's a collaboration with my teaching pal Majica Alba.  If you’re a human being, you are probably moving with some physical challenges: hips, knees, feet, back, neck, shoulders.  Join us for a dose of informative pleasure-filled movement that will radically shift any practice you engage in. Instead of pushing through pain (which never works!) tend your ever-aging body with balls & rollers, power & stretch. All of this expertly woven with dance is just plain fun and creates healing in nervous system, joints, fascia and muscle. This is life-changing feel-good movement providing long-term health benefits on and off the dance floor.
So let’s do it somewhere soon.  Your body will be so grateful.


threshold of possibility


not done yet