Recent Revelations

The Body Joy Blog

Healing tips, inspiration and musings from Bella

stop being foolish…7-22-14
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

stop being foolish…7-22-14

At least once a week someone corners me for a variation on the same urgent confession: how much or for how long they have wanted to come to a 5Rhythms class. This revelation is followed by some version of a fear story and, if they talk long enough, the word self-conscious usually emerges. They shrug their shoulders and wonder if they will ever get over it. I don’t say much in reply, just that it is a common story with no magic solution except to show up, be with it, watch it change...or not. Here’s what we know from experience: it almost always shifts after a class or three.

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Yoga…a dangerous practice 12-10-13
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

Yoga…a dangerous practice 12-10-13

Periodically someone with dubious authority publishes an article about why it is dangerous to engage in yoga. The latest article, published in the New York Times last month, warns flexible women about serious hip injury if they keep doing this perilous practice.

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How do you feel? Nov 12, 2013
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

How do you feel? Nov 12, 2013

Peppermint steam wafts between us, this friend seated across from me at Pete’s. Her whole being emanates open ground as she poises the $64,000 question: “How do you feel right now?” My body tentatively poises on the edge of detection, I watch my mind try to busy it’s way into territory it knows nothing about. I actually feel belly butterfly queasy, shallow breath...this is dread, this is fear. I am grateful to feel and name it.

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flying into moonlight... 10/12/13
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

flying into moonlight... 10/12/13

Last night I was lifted ever so slowly from a dream sound-tracked by rhythmic flutter. I rose to a large butterfly, burnt toast in color, beating her frustration against the window-pane by the bed. A few tries, then finally, cradled in the gentle glow of a white t-shirt I had danced in all day, I carried her outside. Released her to the night speckled sky, the almost full moon calling her back home. Paused in wonder on the deck and then fell back into dreamland once more

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feeling this, doing this…. 09/17/13
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

feeling this, doing this…. 09/17/13

Book Club last night, intrepid women fearlessly tackling sticky issues, personal travails, the obstacles on our common journey to our birthright home, our essential goodness. Last night we dove into Getting Our Bodies Back by Christine Caldwell, a somatic psychotherapist working with the seeds of addiction that lie in the body. Recovery that focuses on cognitive treatment alone will miss a big boat.

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Surrender: Yoga Teacher Training... 5-20-13
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

Surrender: Yoga Teacher Training... 5-20-13

The question is: What, most simply, can you surrender to this week? Maybe program related, maybe not.

This week I had to write a bio and did a list of writing prompts to get me started. “Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?”

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Aruveda: Yoga Teacher Training... 5-15-13
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

Aruveda: Yoga Teacher Training... 5-15-13

We spent three hours Friday night with an aruvedic practitioner, not my first exposure to this unique medical slant. Love to consider nutrition an integral step on the optimal health pathway and my personal approach has been moderation, balanced diet, as much local and organic as possible. I have done raw, done vegetarian, done vegan…for spurts of time….always come back to the middle ground.

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Svadhyaya: Yoga Teacher Training... 5-1-13
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

Svadhyaya: Yoga Teacher Training... 5-1-13

I was supposed to blog about what was outstanding from the anatomy lesson on Sunday but I had to miss this weekend of training. California Spirit Fest was simply amazing and I missed the camaraderie and stimulating learning that has become part of my life since early in January. So this blog reflects the three qustions I answered about svadhyaya—the niyama that encourages us to take on self-study as a lifelong habit.

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