Recent Revelations

The Body Joy Blog

Healing tips, inspiration and musings from Bella

sprawled on the sidewalk…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

sprawled on the sidewalk…

One moment: upright human being out for early morning walk. Next moment: pathetic creature sprawled on sidewalk. Just like that. One more lesson (as if needed) on how change happens lickety-split. I lay there, a ball of woe, gathering my wits along with the self-esteem splattered on the concrete.

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perfect just the way you are and…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

perfect just the way you are and…

She described every detail of her right foot pain. The way in 2020 it commenced in conjunction with the lockdown. Which she dealt with by taking extraordinarily long neighborhood strolls. Her right heel, with no specific injury, began to be painful seemingly out of nowhere. Soon it was unbearable even to walk around the house. She did a course of physical therapy and then saw a podiatrist. To no avail.

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right on the edge…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

right on the edge…

I considered several juicy options to mark the momentous wheel turn at birthday fifty. Ultimately I chose what scared me most. And began to own up to a lifetime of consistently fear-driven selection. Adrenaline junkie? Thrill seeker? Crazy woman? Well…maybe. In light of my precarious childhood, you’d guess I’d be a big fan of safety. But my soul, in its maturity, knows how incredibly instructive living on the brink is.

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peeling layer after layer…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

peeling layer after layer…

Each month Spotlight, a monthly publication of 5Rhythms Global, introduces teachers to dancers around the world. While in West Virginia I connected with Jenelle, a southern California teacher who creates this feature. She asked if I might contribute an essay for the July issue on the theme of gratitude. Well, you know me…I love to write…so I said yes, of course.

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I feel you feeling me…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

I feel you feeling me…

“I feel you feeling me.”

Thomas Hubl

This simple quote nails it. When I feel you the same instant I sense being felt by you…well, that is intimacy. Which is a crucial building block for experiencing safe relationships.

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seven repetitions…so much medicine….
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

seven repetitions…so much medicine….

Touching home base just this one day before I depart once again. I feel drawn to the page, chock full of expression that begs emptying. Bathing at Harbin Hot Springs echoes, first time teaching there since the 2015 fire. Moving in me. The pools survived the fire and they offer me so much solace.

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mother musings…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

mother musings…

On Saturday night I fell into the photograph rabbit hole, precious images archiving what it looked like to be a young family. This greased the wheels for many tears on a Mother’s Day that skirted outside the bounds of Hallmark.

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tears that become rain…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

tears that become rain…

Holding space for 5Rhythms practice, a unique calling. In the days preceding a session, I root through the mud of my life, digging for what’s most alive and juicy. Then I massage this little tender fragment into the shape of embodied inquiry. All this, before I find the right music and step through the door, in all vulnerability, to offer a group investigation. It has been the perfect prescription for my own growth.

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a quietly considered step back…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

a quietly considered step back…

I’m sitting in a Petaluma coffee shop, headed home from three days camping solo on the northern California wild coastline. Celebrating that I can still pull off something like this as I turn 73 next week. Bowing in reverence to the powers that be that have granted me this lengthy lifetime.

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Hands on. Face to face. No substitute….
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

Hands on. Face to face. No substitute….

For the umpteenth time I listened to a physical therapy tale of woe. Just last week I heard the story again. With variations on body part, it pretty much goes something like this:

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practice moves through a sea change…4-4-23
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

practice moves through a sea change…4-4-23

Sea change: a profound or notable transformation. Lately I’ve been curiously at watch as our communities of practice move through a sea change. Something is different in this post-Covid spell.

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we need not go it alone…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

we need not go it alone…

I up and quit my fresh from interning professional job after just 2 ½ years. It was an absorbing chapter, sprawled on a floor mat, delivering therapy for youngsters shaped by cerebral palsy. Wet behind the ears and guiding families in crisis. Improvising solutions for the severely disabled in an under-staffed residential home. Coordinating care with special ed teachers and advocating for kids in medical clinics.

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hanging in the balance …3-16-23
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

hanging in the balance …3-16-23

Twenty years ago, in a corner clinic office, I languished yearning to be free. Literally boxed in, held by a rectangle so rigid it was hard to move and fully breathe. So much responsibility, liability, adulting. Up on my wall, next to an endless have-to calendar, hung a ragged piece of poster paper, hastily sketched with a giant triangle. At each point on the triangle, a circle: dance, yoga, physical therapy. They were so connected inside of me. I fantasized manifesting them as a woven entity outside of me.

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shoulda, coulda, woulda meditation…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

shoulda, coulda, woulda meditation…

Meditation: maybe this is on your shoulda coulda woulda list, lumped in there with proper nutrition and daily exercise. It was on my list also for a long time. But some time in the late 80’s, minding my own business, doing my daily exercise walk thing on M Street, Jack Kornfield entered my life. A tape cassette series— Meditation for Beginners—summoned me from it’s perch atop a neighbor’s trash pile.

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taking the reins….
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

taking the reins….

Evaluate and treat: 3 X a week for 6 weeks

So would read any number of prescriptions at the physical therapy clinic I owned. The patient came in for assessment and then returned on the regular for hands on treatment and exercise progression. Not unusual for this prescription to be renewed at least once. Discharge was the ultimate goal, but there was no hurry.

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cautionary tale, family saga, skin as metaphor….2-22-23
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

cautionary tale, family saga, skin as metaphor….2-22-23

Is this a cautionary tale? Family saga? Exploration of skin as metaphor? Without really knowing I’ll just begin as I sit here recouping from yet another Moh’s procedure. If you know what this means, I’m sorry. Having been the recipient four times in twenty years, I’m way too familiar. Twice a year Mr. Dermatologist inspects for dry scaly areas, which he painfully freezes so new healthy tissue has a chance to emerge.

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it’s all medicine…2-2-23
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

it’s all medicine…2-2-23

I guess you might say I’m a medicine woman, deeply connected with the wide array of sacred ways we nurture our health and alleviate our suffering…all things healing. The dictionary defines medicine as a practice, as if with enough repetition you might get it right some day.

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women talking…1-17-23
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

women talking…1-17-23

I was blessed by a pair of cinema angels this past week. She Said and Women Talking on consecutive evenings, films that courageously dive into sexual harassment/abuse. Minimal time is devoted to the actual perpetrators or the acts of violence. Because the focus is on the women: directed by women and giving voice to women, just as the titles indicate. Powerful. Highly recommended.

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your own brilliant magic…1-12-23
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

your own brilliant magic…1-12-23

River waters nudge the levee. Wind borderline terrifying. Windows pelted, elder trees topple. Grateful for bodily safety but my heart aches and my spirit feels damp as the yard. Pervasive grey outside matches my inside. Winter is not my happy-joy season. I’ve learned to appreciate the gifts darkness bestows. Just not today, thank you.

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true, necessary, kind…..1-1-23
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

true, necessary, kind…..1-1-23

Intention Resolution Pledge Commitment

A weighty tradition, a call to action, tethered to year’s end…. Reflection Contemplation Musing Meditation Days damp chill, balanced by marathon nights…I dream

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