light at the end of the tunnel...12-20-20

Last Sweat Your Prayers 2020 this morning, in Zoom-land and live in the garden we covered ourselves in white, called in the promise of light.  A hope, a dream, a spark at the end of this long and winding tunnel. Even though it seems we timelessly fall deeper, darker, more dire into this tunnel, our communal attention was on the sections lined with silver. How the light shines on those never-ending lessons, the ones gleaned from the experience of living through 2020.

Our silver linings.  If we have our health, that's huge.  So many do not.  All that our hearts have borne...there's a silver lining lesson somewhere there.  All the ways we have learned to let go, be tentative, be spontaneous, stay flexible...giant silver lining.  All the times we have chosen to seize the day, the hour, the moment.  Knowing how precious it has become.  Silver.  All the growth around being still, slowing down, becoming quiet, being alone. Solstice silver linings...

These are the rituals remaining to support those silver linings, bring this year to a close, initiate 2021.  Enrollment info at  I hope I can be with you somewhere somehow sometime:

Talk about spontaneous...Majica and I are holding each other in practice nine days in a row at 9:00am.  We spontaneously decided to open this to whoever wants to show up with us for One Day at a Time: 9 days, 9 a.m.  December 21 through December 29   FREE   We feel this potent pause, this turning point, this stillness. Long to deepen and open each day in a one hour wave meditation. Maybe you feel this call as well and will join us for one or some or all. So simple: same Zoom link every day, no cost.

Essential Recharge December 26 10:00-noon.  On Christmas I'm making my traditional steamed persimmon pudding and mask-delivering slices topped with Meyer lemon sauce around town to my beloveds. The day after Christmas I'm holding space for us to come to the mat to uber-leisurely release, tone and stretch.  Undoubtedly the pelvic bowl will be featured somehow.
Essential Fundraiser  December 31  10:00-11:30.  On New Year's Eve morning let's practice with all proceeds going directly to Sacramento Food Bank.  If the time doesn't work for you, email me your receipt donation and I'll send you the class recording.

Letting Go and Calling In.... A New Year's Day Ritual   January 1 2021 1:00-4:00 p.m. Live in the garden, lots of space and fresh air---participation limited.  2020:  a year to commemorate as it passes.  We absorbed, hesitated, integrated, resisted, incorporated, compromised, endured. Alone together we moved through the most trying of times.  On January 1, we'll do what we know best.  Use the power of communal intention to release unneeded 2020 baggage.  And in the space this creates, with a lightened load, we'll call in what we long to create, what we yearn for, what we desire in 2021.

Wednesday Waves in January starting January 6  6:30-7:30. One hour.  One wave.  Moving in uncharted territory, practice for life in a world rapidly changing. Revelatory, revolutionary, a matter of survival, we'll do this alone together.

So seize the day, any special hour, the surprisingly juicy moment and we'll enter this great turning together.  Breathe into the promise of light at tunnel's end.  It's there.  Welcome any silver lining you can feel into.  Cultivate it.  Share it.  Find peace in it.  And if you want to show up and practice....I'm here.



a sudden inner impulse...12-29-20


The Great Pandemic Retreat of 2020 12-15-20