
Wow…feeling the impact of taking time off in every part of me.  And it did feel really good to show up last weekend and teach.  But I’m headed back out for more time to be close to the earth, lean against trees, kneel in the grass, dangle in running water, sleep with the sweet smell of pollen wafting around me.
Much brewing about offerings in August and beyond.  Website is all ready for enrollment in Tuesday morning Essentials.  Will send email link for Friday Deeper Being students.  Because it was so fun Saturday morning Essential Recharge offered again on August 29.  Please let me know if you run into any enrollment snags.  Currently undergoing website re-vamp to hopefully create ease for on-line enrollment for you….and me!  Thanks for bearing with the same old system for August.
Curious about how life would be if you released what’s tight? Have you worked with your own fascia restrictions and found too incredibly painful?  Wonder why people would ever submit to that?  Hah!  You’re not alone.  And I’m speaking to YOU today.  Most folks are drawn to this desperate maneuver because they have pain somewhere.  You name it: neck, shoulder, low back, hip, knee, foot…wherever.  When the roller meets the fascia it’s like the proverbial shit meeting the fan.
If your fascia is dehydrated and scarred it’s going to be painful when you first start.  Period.  You can mitigate this with a softer roller but there is no getting around it.  It could even hurt a lot.  Now pain is subjective.  For some people the intensity is actually full of pleasure with comments like, “Oh my God, I’m finally getting to the heart of this problem, I’ve been waiting for this sweet relief.”  Same technique, other person: “OMG, this is killing me, I’m NEVER going to do this again.”
Here’s the promise: what you feel is only sensation.  If you just stick with it a few days it’ll change.  Unless you’re different than most.  I know, you’re special but most of you will notice by day three it hurts less.  Guess what?  You’ve started to make real change in your body.  If you stay with it, guess what?  It actually starts to hurt good.  And this change in sensation that ANYONE can feel is assurance that you’re progressing. 
And here’s the amazing part.  After awhile there’s no sensation at all.  Zero.  I’m not making this up.  There is currently no place on my body I can roll that creates ANY sensation other than a boring roller or ball pressuring my tissue.  And I know from long personal experience that will change soon as I have an injury to deal with.  It usually takes a bit of release to start to the journey out of pain. 
But why would you even want to stop there? There’s a bigger and better world than “pain free”.  With a little investment of time your tissue can be utterly optimal and this translates big time.  Who doesn’t want to feel light and buoyant and fluid?  Bound up stairs like it’s no big deal.  Run to catch a ride without fearing for your life.  Pick up that giant ceramic pot without being terrified by throwing your back out.
Come on.  Get ready to roll with me in August.  Let’s do it beautiful people.
Love, Bella
P.S. Dance Alert:  Sunday Sweats Zoom and LIVE OUTDOORS continue in August; Wednesday Waves begins again September 9.





hey white people...7-26-20


smelling cherries...7-14-20