Recent Revelations

The Body Joy Blog

Healing tips, inspiration and musings from Bella

Taking flight
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

Taking flight

Have you been watching the nesting eagles in So Cal? Mesmerizing, they inhabit my kitchen, creatures prompting me about the essential. Being. Taking care. Tending. Breathing. Resting. Taking nourishment. Flight.

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motion in my body=movement in my heart
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

motion in my body=movement in my heart

You know me as mover—with you in yoga or physical therapy. And maybe know me through dance. Movement in the body creates movement in our emotions. Motion breaks up stagnation in the emotion department. And for that I am grateful.

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surrender to the mystery
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

surrender to the mystery

Some recent research about tolerance for the unknown sounded a bell that had been conversationally echoing all week: people struggling with indecision. Did you know there is an uncertainty tolerance assessment? You probably don’t need a test.

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crimes against wisdom
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

crimes against wisdom

When a forgotten word comes out from behind the curtain and re-inserts itself into my vocabulary it is such delight. Welcome back prajnaparadha.

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what my bones know
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

what my bones know

I’m a big reader, always midst at least one book, often juggling a few. What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo fell in my lap recently and pushed all the others aside, shouted READ ME.

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greetings to my yoga students and physical therapy patients…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

greetings to my yoga students and physical therapy patients…

Woke up energized this morning and took full advantage of that state to re-record the Introductory Videos on the website. Three years ago they were formatted from an on-line series: hour long practices, four of ‘em. They were so ready for streamlining and updating.

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the story of Sam
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

the story of Sam

Must’ve been 2007 when I first spent some deeply personal moments with Sam, who gave me permission to write this story. A student in my roll and release workshop, we connected at Deep, now Yoga Shala. We had already become acquainted on the dance floor.

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reckoning & resolve…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

reckoning & resolve…

Stillness in December has been an acquired taste. My southern California childhood, a year round adventure land, offered no pause for the cold or inclement. I’ve lived up north fifty plus years, but vividly recall when winter’s creep beneath my collar set off tendrils of warmth-craving. Prolonged fog would nestle under my skin and push me on edge.

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Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler


I kitchen puttered all day Wednesday, making all the things, totally taking pleasure in the comfort, the ritual, the predictability of prepping Thanksgiving dinner. I’ve done this So Many Times.

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golden milestones…11-21-23
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

golden milestones…11-21-23

It was autumn ’72 when I graduated from UCSF medical school, clutching a degree in physical therapy, pretty much clueless about the journey to come. It would be another thirty years before persistent dabbling in yoga and dance would begin to fully inform this chosen vocation. I had no idea that the nature of this work was evolutionary. No notion that it might look different fifty years down the road.

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way past time for silence
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

way past time for silence

I can actually conjure up that buttery smell of hot cinnamon. The smell of fluden wafted into every corner of that green weathered farmhouse. When grandma baked, she was forever low humming and as she pulled steaming pastry from the oven, she always warned me to let it cool.

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turning away, turning toward…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

turning away, turning toward…

Beyond the boundaries of our own skin, the news ticker from the mundane to the cataclysmic is loud and continual. Each to our own, we titrate the current events that shape our world. Some of us have only the capacity to be porous to the immediacy of our home base. Maybe absorb happenings in the local community or near geography. Attend to places tangible, breathable, adjacent. Know thyself. Shields are a necessary strategy at any point in our lives.

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all that wanders is not lost….
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

all that wanders is not lost….

Just back from 3,000 miles of road tripping. Time decelerated, created a gap and, in so doing, shifted me. Hours of dreaming out the window, quiet canyons for miles, sweeping sky, snow strewn summits.

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a fall from/to grace…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

a fall from/to grace…

I love my far-flung wide reach of a newsletter. Maybe you are a reader. This when-whimsy-strikes blog spurns me to spout on wide-ranging fancy-tickling topics. But this is different; sometimes I just want to connect with those of you I’ve personally served as patients and yoga students over the last 20 years.

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busy doing less…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

busy doing less…

Early memory: I’m at the gas station with mom as she fills up our car. She grumbles about how this chore is such a waste of time. This hurry up, no time to waste way of life was a strong undercurrent in my childhood. I learned from a couple of masters.

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a year that remains in the balance…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

a year that remains in the balance…

In the northern hemisphere, autumn waits in the wings. I’m a big fan of markers that have been tracked by humans for millennia. They connect to something enduring about the human experience. Throughout time, fascination with the sun’s trajectory has connected us.

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slowing down to the body’s pace…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

slowing down to the body’s pace…

This morning I set out on my morning walk and, for the first time since my fall 7 weeks ago, I chose the path leading me right to The Spot. See ominous picture above. I willed myself to purposefully breathe. Slowly. So I could feel. The cramp in the pit of my belly. The catch in my throat. The ramp of my pulse. The way those very sensations translated in my heart. Intense dread. Panic tinged with a whiff of shame.

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a breath of fresh air…
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

a breath of fresh air…

First, perhaps, an update. Three weeks since the sidewalk sprawl and healing is some kinda miracle in motion. There’s still sharp pain moving certain ways, end of day ache. Using a splint on/off because I can feel how immobility makes it worse. Gentle movement in all available pain free range as my skilled right hand treats the fascial binding ‘tween the two long forearm bones. Learning so much first hand! Elbow to fingertips is a non-weight bearing version of knee to toes. In this past week healing has included creative single-handed camping AND total immersion in breath. Breath…that’s what I really want to write about today.

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my healing: medicine in motion
Bella Dreizler Bella Dreizler

my healing: medicine in motion

The phrase “loose, long and strong” emerged toward the end of my clinic days, a catchy descriptor for teaching patients how to follow through with healing movement at home. Twenty-five years down the road it still fits for what I’m up to. In fact, the perfection of it totally guides rehab of my left arm. Six weeks now and well on its way.

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